Friday, December 11, 2009

computers - future top consoles?

How will video games be in the next, let’s say twenty years? Well if one can easily see the advancement of this popular media and entertainment form. Well it took a while after the first computers for the first video games to appear on the market and then, the games weren’t all that technically difficult. While they were fun and amazing because they were the first of their kind, the level of game play today easily makes the older style inferior. While this may be true, the new ones are really just a build off the old ones. Every company wanted to do the next big update to the video game as the entertainment form and it is now one of the top markets, and clearly it is owned by consoles and some PC/Mac games.
In the past it was mostly just the controller and one joystick with very few buttons, now there are many times more buttons with joysticks that are also buttons and even motion vibration and sensitivities. Is it the attempt at creating a real life experience that drives people to play video games? That might be the case because all the games out there try to show that they have the most realistic graphics and game play. Though, who really has the edge in today’s market? Every company is creating a consol or a graphics card that can do the next big thing, while at the same time game developers are creating games that require so much computing that it is mind boggling. My belief is that the best console is the computer itself, not one of the stand-alone that can be left next to the TV or monitor. Why is this? Well because a computer can be customized, whereas a console cannot. I personally have not built a custom computer, but that will come with time. The newest graphic cards can do things that even the top of the line console can’t. While the console itself might be equal to this new card, the computer can always be one step ahead because every few months the graphics card you have becomes obsolete. This is what computer hardware developers do; they always advance while most consoles are left behind except for a few minor tweaks here or there. The only thing I wish is that game developers would also create games more often for the computer because it too can play them, not just the consoles. I understand it is a marketing idea, but there are people who have only the computer because it is what they can get and it does everything else that a console cannot such as go online (although consoles have started getting closer to also having this options).
In the next twenty years or so, I believe that the consoles will be able to be more similar to that of a normal desktop. Although they are meant to just have a gaming use, all these little features that are being added are really just making it another computer. So isn’t this all going in a circle? I believe so because at first this started as just a computer and it spawned the video game console, but now the console is trying to act like the computer itself. I don’t think this is by accident. I believe that this is the result of the console. Its prime option wasn’t as appealing to keep people hooked onto just one system. The computer is the only system, platform, and entertainment device that can do everything. All they need to do is allowing the customization of computer with console type configurations and parts because the consoles do have some of the best components around.
As for the first question, I believe that the games will be a lot more life-like than before. More like the way that the motion sensitive style is starting to become more popular. Gone are the days of an object to hold to control the game, now it is going to be you, you will be the controller of the game.

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