Wednesday, November 4, 2009

future ambitions

Well there are many things of which I could with my choice of major of Computer Engineering. The only problem right now is that I don’t know too much about the field. I’m still learning and hope to get a better grip of what this is because I’ve heard there is a lot of promise in the growth of this field. From the research I had to do for those little class projects in school, it has shown that there is going to be a large demand for it in the coming years and I hope that this means the best in terms of job opportunities. Now what could I possibly go into in order to make a better life for myself? Well there are many things and it goes from working in a desk to research. Programming, while I do sort of like it as a thing to possibly go into, I know that I’d probably get bored of it. Just sitting in front of computer screen trying to figure out why some line of code doesn’t work just isn’t for me. I will be willing to do it in an on and off type of work style, such as if needed for back up, but I’d rather work on a more combination type. Combination can include that of microprocessors and supercomputers, but I am still interested at the architecture of the microprocessor. I have always been amazed how they are able to place these small parts into such a small area and make everything work perfectly together. This is something that I hope to get into because of that.
One other option, all though it is research still and would require me to take more advanced physics (which I’m all ok with) is quantum computers. This is a field that I believe has a lot of potential so it could be in my best interests to get involved in this. The only problem is my understanding of quantum and the computer world has a basis (such as the machine language) is very limited. I am vaguely familiar with the principles and rules, but I don’t know much more that I can do on my own. I always become interested in the next big thing that occurs in the field of quantum computing.
As for a minor, I’m thinking math because that’s something that I have enjoyed and done well at since an early age. As I have shown in my past blog post, I did consider myself as a nerd because I have been good at the math and science fields. Well I still do and math and science go hand in hand. Maybe that’s why I really enjoy quantum as a field of study, let alone the computers using the quantum principles.
Could all of this change in the matter of a day. I still do enjoy the computer engineering world but who is to say that I will still have the goal of quantum computers. It all depends on what opportunities are present. Currently, there are no limits and I am able to think and try whatever comes to mind. Our current state of technology is developing at such a tremendous pace that there is no point to just assume that what is out now is what will be the top thing for a long time. New discoveries are made left and right. All one can hope is to be able to stay with the trend and try to understand just what is going on. There are so many things that are happening in this world at once and the idea you might have thought of might already be in motion because someone else already thought of it. As much as I enjoy reading (which is sarcasm by the way), even I will find reading scientific journals interesting, I’m not sure why but it may be my nerdy self. Who knows, maybe I could come up with something that could be published in one of those. One can only dream.

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