Sunday, December 13, 2009


How thin can a phone get before people are going to tell product developers stop with this? I would hope before nanotechnology hits the phone market a lot and we see phones that can fit into a credit card slot in the wallet. Phones are so sophisticated now a days that they aren’t even phones. The actual phone part of it is probably just ten percent, which is a big drop from what it used to be, about one hundred percent. Clearly consumers like the appeal of having everything, a phone, a calendar, internet, music, and even now, games on one device that is about as thin as a few sheets of paper. Is this what the world has come to be? A world that loves gadgets that have many functions? I say yes to both, because no longer does one see a tool that can do one task. No, now this object has to be able to do one thing and then another and another. I’m not saying that I disagree with this, I really enjoy this fact about most of what we consider to be normal and every day and take for granted. I think that people should start to worry about creating much more sturdy casings for the phone because what is to happen if you drop your phone on the ground or decide to place it on your back pocket. Crack goes the phone and you are now out a couple hundred dollars and not to mention you have no phone. I think that the current size of phones are perfect and they don’t have to make it smaller, rather just add more into the current size while at the same time make them stronger than before because there are something to be desired. One day I just hope that I can understand what really goes on in technology that keeps getting smaller, faster, and better than before. Clearly there is a lot that happens, and I really would like to understand how such a small object can perform tasks that only 30 years ago a larger super computer that filled a whole room took to perform.

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