Sunday, December 13, 2009


How thin can a phone get before people are going to tell product developers stop with this? I would hope before nanotechnology hits the phone market a lot and we see phones that can fit into a credit card slot in the wallet. Phones are so sophisticated now a days that they aren’t even phones. The actual phone part of it is probably just ten percent, which is a big drop from what it used to be, about one hundred percent. Clearly consumers like the appeal of having everything, a phone, a calendar, internet, music, and even now, games on one device that is about as thin as a few sheets of paper. Is this what the world has come to be? A world that loves gadgets that have many functions? I say yes to both, because no longer does one see a tool that can do one task. No, now this object has to be able to do one thing and then another and another. I’m not saying that I disagree with this, I really enjoy this fact about most of what we consider to be normal and every day and take for granted. I think that people should start to worry about creating much more sturdy casings for the phone because what is to happen if you drop your phone on the ground or decide to place it on your back pocket. Crack goes the phone and you are now out a couple hundred dollars and not to mention you have no phone. I think that the current size of phones are perfect and they don’t have to make it smaller, rather just add more into the current size while at the same time make them stronger than before because there are something to be desired. One day I just hope that I can understand what really goes on in technology that keeps getting smaller, faster, and better than before. Clearly there is a lot that happens, and I really would like to understand how such a small object can perform tasks that only 30 years ago a larger super computer that filled a whole room took to perform.

Friday, December 11, 2009

time respect

Something I find interesting is how people in college, doesn’t matter what year they are, will still be late to class and not care about it. High school is suppose to have thought them otherwise, but clearly something was left out. Why is it that people decide that it’s ok to stay up and party and go to class at least 30 minutes late after class started? When in high school, classes tend to be very close to one another, about a few minutes apart for walking distance. Are students finding that teachers and professors alike are lenient enough to just allow this to happen? I for one do not like this at all. This shows disrespect to the teacher who is trying to have a class. I understand that sometimes one will be late because of reasons, but just because you wake up late, decided to talk with your friend in the hall, or just left your room when the class starts is just not a good habit. I always try my best to get to class before it starts, but every now and then I find myself late for class and I don’t feel any good for doing that. Even then, at the most I’m late for about 5 minutes, not 30.
In college I understand that it’s the new feeling of being on your own, at least for the first semester, but then you find yourself deep in homework, behind in your classes, and your professors don’t necessarily like you for the way you act. Why do people decide, “Oh the teacher likes me so it’s ok if I’m late”. No, this is just wrong; the professor will not enjoy your presence if this is to happen. This big gap that is supposed to be between senior year of high school and freshman year of college has disappeared. There is no gap, just the two ends now meeting to be one straight line that has created students that aren’t as time oriented as before. All this talk of college will be tougher, while true, at some levels is the same as high school, until you decide that college is for you and you advance to higher level classes and then decide you’re in the wrong major.
In the past I believe that college was college. Those that were serious about learning and getting the best job went there to get the education. Has this changed? Well not really. People are still going there to learn more about a topic that they enjoy, but does anyone really know what they want anymore? I don’t think so because there are so many people that keep flip flopping their preferred majors. This wasted time causes more money lost and therefore more wasted time. Is this a result of high school education that is glamorizing some majors over others, don’t forget the media though, they glamorize a lot too, but do students really know what they are getting into? I think that high schools need to start teaching students more about what each type of major is like, at least in a broad way that would inform the student much better than the knowledge that they have now. For example, I didn’t feel that I knew much about my major when I first chose it. It really took my English course for me to more fully understand exactly what I was doing even though no other course really told me anything. This to me is strange how English class taught me what computer engineering was because it was the only class that forced me to do a project that for me to do a good enough jobs, I had to learn about this major for college. I think that a small course should be dedicated to help students pick a major that could be added to their senior year. Whatever a solution, something should be done because people tend to pick their classes by how well one form of media glamorizes it, not by what it can do for them because it is at their strength.

computers - future top consoles?

How will video games be in the next, let’s say twenty years? Well if one can easily see the advancement of this popular media and entertainment form. Well it took a while after the first computers for the first video games to appear on the market and then, the games weren’t all that technically difficult. While they were fun and amazing because they were the first of their kind, the level of game play today easily makes the older style inferior. While this may be true, the new ones are really just a build off the old ones. Every company wanted to do the next big update to the video game as the entertainment form and it is now one of the top markets, and clearly it is owned by consoles and some PC/Mac games.
In the past it was mostly just the controller and one joystick with very few buttons, now there are many times more buttons with joysticks that are also buttons and even motion vibration and sensitivities. Is it the attempt at creating a real life experience that drives people to play video games? That might be the case because all the games out there try to show that they have the most realistic graphics and game play. Though, who really has the edge in today’s market? Every company is creating a consol or a graphics card that can do the next big thing, while at the same time game developers are creating games that require so much computing that it is mind boggling. My belief is that the best console is the computer itself, not one of the stand-alone that can be left next to the TV or monitor. Why is this? Well because a computer can be customized, whereas a console cannot. I personally have not built a custom computer, but that will come with time. The newest graphic cards can do things that even the top of the line console can’t. While the console itself might be equal to this new card, the computer can always be one step ahead because every few months the graphics card you have becomes obsolete. This is what computer hardware developers do; they always advance while most consoles are left behind except for a few minor tweaks here or there. The only thing I wish is that game developers would also create games more often for the computer because it too can play them, not just the consoles. I understand it is a marketing idea, but there are people who have only the computer because it is what they can get and it does everything else that a console cannot such as go online (although consoles have started getting closer to also having this options).
In the next twenty years or so, I believe that the consoles will be able to be more similar to that of a normal desktop. Although they are meant to just have a gaming use, all these little features that are being added are really just making it another computer. So isn’t this all going in a circle? I believe so because at first this started as just a computer and it spawned the video game console, but now the console is trying to act like the computer itself. I don’t think this is by accident. I believe that this is the result of the console. Its prime option wasn’t as appealing to keep people hooked onto just one system. The computer is the only system, platform, and entertainment device that can do everything. All they need to do is allowing the customization of computer with console type configurations and parts because the consoles do have some of the best components around.
As for the first question, I believe that the games will be a lot more life-like than before. More like the way that the motion sensitive style is starting to become more popular. Gone are the days of an object to hold to control the game, now it is going to be you, you will be the controller of the game.