Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Response to Michael's response to Violence

In response to Michael’s response post about violence I would have to say that I agree that we need to have diplomacy first. It is the first step to peace in my mind. Having and outright war right from the start isn’t the best idea. Who knows just how many people could have been saved if the enemies decided to talk things over first. Sure they may not like each other, but isn’t there any thought about the people of the land that could be hurt because of violence? I think that there isn’t enough consideration besides someone’s ego. War/violence is about proving one’s ego over another. For that I don’t believe that people give enough consideration for their people, especially leaders who start the wars. Those that later decide to join are different because they do look at the variables much more, but at least it more consideration (in my mind) than the leaders of the group that started the war/violence.

In this world there will never be a true balance. It is impossible and therefore there will always be war. Like Michael had said, there will always be violence everywhere but diplomacy should always be the first thing to happen before violence. Who knows, there might be something both agree upon to live in unison.

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