Thursday, October 1, 2009

FML, MLIA, MLIG response to Garrett's post

In response to Garrett's post about (FML), (MLIA), and (MLIG) I will say that I do completely agree with what he is saying. I know of people who go to these websites and try to make fun of others, which is why I do slightly agree that we need to not be reading these FML things. Why would someone post something that is so embarrassing to their lives I will never know.
The websites like MLIA and MLIG are aimed to not make as much fun of one’s life but to “show off” one’s life to the world. We need to understand that doing this isn’t going to help your life any more. It might hurt someone’s self esteem because then they think that their life is not worth living. If we could remove something like this, then we might be able to decrease these low self esteem issues we see in schools all the time.
These websites are rather pointless in their aid to normal life. If people stopped reading these, then people would start to understand the real meaning in their own lives, not by reading how bad someone else is or how amazing another person's life may be. We as a person need to learn for ourselves how to live our life and how to enjoy it. Websites like these do not help us at all and we need to understand that. This is why I agree with Garrett on this topic. He is saying exactly what we need to learn.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever checked out ? is this different from FML and the other websites?
